Wulthus Runic Calligraphy
A dainty runic font with 2 Anglo-Saxon bindrunes frequently used in Modern English Fuþorc.

Wulþus Runic Calligraphy is a dainty runic font designed for elegant hearts. It is the fourth font for runes released through RuneRevival.online.
Apart from the entire Unicode Runic block, it also contains 2 Anglo-Saxon bindrunes frequently used in Modern English Futhorc.
For your convenience, Basic Latin and Latin-1 Supplement characters have been borrowed from Catrinity by Alexander Lange (used with permission).
From a technical perspective, it follows the lead of the BabelStone Runic fonts by using Standard Ligatures (liga) encoding for creating bindrunes. This requires typing a ZWJ in sequence between characters in order to form a bindrune.
Download: Wulþus Runic Calligraphy